Hey Long Runners!
I’m Jo Jones and I’m excited to be part of The Long Run again in 2022.
This year, I’m running for my Dad, my hero.
My Dad is a mad football fan, super handy with a drill, and the last person to ever ask for help.
When he was going through treatment for prostate cancer, he disappeared out bush for a few days and my Mum and my Uncle and I were really worried about him. My brother overheard us talking and asked me what we should do. We didn’t know where to turn.
Years later when I learned that men with prostate cancer have a 70% increased risk of prostate cancer, and 72% of them don’t seek help, I totally understood.
Thankfully my dad got through it, but I know it was emotionally really hard for him. I cannot tell you how much it meant to my family when PCFA launched their no-cost mental health service for men with prostate cancer in June this year. Now men have access to counselling support to help them through the toughest days.
It’s services like these that are made possible by you. With your support and fundraising efforts, we can continue to expand our services for the 24,000 men diagnosed with prostate cancer each year.
That was thanks to you, and the commitment you made to The Long Run.
But we have so much more work to do. You probably heard the news that prostate cancer has overtaken breast cancer as the most common cancer diagnosed in Australia, with 66 men diagnosed every day.
Now is the time for us to take action and end the pain of prostate cancer. If you’re reading this, please get involved with The Long Run with me. You can sign up individually or as a team – or even get your workplace involved. Every step makes a difference.
We also have some great resources to help you along the way. You can check them out here.
If you have any questions, please reach out via thelongrun@pcfa.org.au or phone 1800 22 00 99.
Happy running!
Meet your fellow Long Runners
Together we can make prostate cancer history. Join our supportive Facebook community, read the latest tips and tricks to help you along the way.